Potluck this Friday: Today!

Dinner at 6, discussion at 7

Speaker: Carl Roberts, Happily retired ISU professor

Title: Whence democracy, and whither to?

read after the jump for more info!

In studying the origins of democracy, scholars have found that a dictator is only overthrown when capitalists join forces with the masses against him (never 'her'). Yet whereas the capitalists seek "market justice," the masses fight for "social justice." If (and this is a "big 'if'") democratic institutions are formed, policy decisions are typically justified in terms of one of these two types of justice--types with inconsistent policy implications (namely, laissez faire ones versus ones for wealth redistribution). For the first time in human history, in democracies all citizens are subjected to the same laws. Where the ambiguity among democratic nations lies is in what citizens understand a "law" to be. More fundamentally, it lies in their understanding of human nature itself. Differences in US and Canadian healthcare legislation afford a case in point.

For future potlucks, check the calender, I have plans to update it to show the specific topics!