Rainy Day - 7/26/17

Morning, all. Derek here. It’s raining. Had to take down my tent already, which is a change. I don’t usually take it down until the afternoon, but I’d rather it not be out in the rain all day.

We did some potato harvesting this morning. Digging’s pretty fun. I enjoyed feeling like an archaeologist, digging up items of the past, dusting them off carefully. It’s pretty important that we don’t rub the potatoes too hard as they store worse with part of the skin rubbed off.
Sorting potatoes is interesting as well. Dubbed screening, we sort potatoes based on size and whether or not they’re good enough for long term storage. For all the potatoes with slight skin damage, we “cull” them. Culling just means those potatoes get eaten first as they're still quite delicious! I’ve included a picture above showing all of the screens. The potatoes we harvested were Kennebec, for those curious.

At least it’s nice and cool today. Beats the humidity that was last night. Goodness, the tent was like a sauna! Didn’t even bother to pull out my sleeping bag as I was far past content with just my mat. No further heat needed. It was kinda hard to sleep last night because of how hot it was. Plus I didn’t want bugs getting in, so I had my whole tent covered and zipped up.

Rain seems to be dying down though. That’s kind of disappointing. Hopefully more rain is on the way.