APRIL 7, NOON-1: COOKING CLASS with Juri Bhattacharyya
This week's wednesday skillshare is with another wonderful cook from our farm community, Juri Bhattacharyya. It's an ambitious menu planned - see below for ingredient list!
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noon-1, wednesday March 31
This week's ASK A FARMER session features guest farmer Lonna Nachtigal from Onion Creek Farm (and the Donna Lonna Kitchen show on Khoi Ames community radio 89.1fm)
It's almost time to start planting! Starting early April, we can plant some seeds (and some plants) of frost tolerant crops, like onions, peas, lettuce, spinach and radishes. We will talk about some overall beginning gardening tips, getting started planting, and have plenty of time for your questions.
MARCH 24, NOON-1: WELLNESS SKILLSHARE with Amy Miller - Every Day Super Foods
MARCH 25, 7-8PM: CREATE TIME with Alice mcg and Amy Logan
MARCH 24, NOON-1: WELLNESS SKILLSHARE with Amy Miller - Every Day Super Foods
MARCH 25, 7-8PM: CREATE TIME with Alice mcg and Amy Logan
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Meeting ID: 871 5350 8947
Passcode: 750800
MARCH 17, NOON-1: COOKING CLASS WITH Krishna Athreya : Butternut Sqash Patties with Spiced Yogurt Sauce. see below for ingredient list so that you can be ready to cook with us!
All participants are able to cook in their own kitchens and ask questions while Krishna shows us how to make this recipe.
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Meeting ID: 871 5350 8947
Passcode: 750800
For the patties:
(about 14, 2" diameter )
“Anneke, the Community Impact Director at United Way, will share some of the needs that have been magnified by the coronavirus pandemic, ranging from food insecurity to immigrant supports to mental health. She also will uplift some of the inventive, collaborative solutions seen in Story County.”(“Puppy not included.” )
Come join the discussion to learn from Anneke and others, and to share your experiences and ideas.
Topic: Mustard Seed Community Farm Lunch & Learn
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We will talk about:
Starting seeds, season planning, bed prep, fencing, garden planning (apocalypse garden plan for example),
and make sure to have plenty of time to answer questions from you!
Hosted by farmer Alice McGary of Mustard Seed Community Farm -
Guest star Carmen Black from Sundog Farm - and maybe her sister Maja, or some mustard seed farm team members
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SAME DAY - 2 virtual events planned by the events committee of the mustard seed community farm and the romero house catholic worker!
Support Emotional Wellbeing through Food and Lifestyle Choices
"Wellbeing is attained little by little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself."
- Citium Zeno
Amy M. Miller, MA
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Wednesday feb 17, noon-1
Looking for Smart in all the right places
Premise: A light exploration of “animal intelligence” to provide a curiosity-charged and positive mental health break for all of us. Ultimately, “seeing” intelligence in the non-human world changes our relationship to them and each other, as Aldo Leopold would say, from conqueror to plain member and citizen.
discussion led by Jeri Neal
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If you are not able to use them, we would love to make something from your scraps!
artwork by Mariel Falk
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Meeting ID: 871 5350 8947
Passcode: 750800