this weekend's events - please join us!

-Mustard Seed Farm will be hosting a potluck and concert this Friday 6/5 from 6-8 pm. Come hear Paul Doffing in a Farewell-to-Ames concert. Free and open to anyone. See a description of his music below. We'd love for you to join us! Bring a dish to share. And a lawn chair if you wish. **Please note that the calendar entry for this event is wrongly entered for Saturday**

-Please consider volunteering with us this Saturday 6/6 from 9-5 or a portion thereof for a work day involving sweet potato planting, prairie planting and digging a footing for our storm shelter.

upcoming work days

come help us plant!
2 upcoming work days

workdays may 23: 9-5 planting more trees and warm crops like tomatoes, peppers etc

june 6: 9-5 planting sweet potatoes, prairie plants and more

you too can have this much fun!

Farm to Clinic program

Special concert potluck coming up on June 5!

The first potluck at the farm for the summer season will be on June 5th, will feature a live performance by Paul Doffing. Please join us sharing food then enjoy the excellent and moving music of this talented singer-songwriter in his first performance in his newest bike tour. Help us give him a great lift-off! You can read more about his musical life at

Join us May 8 for the last winter potluck

Our last "winter" potluck will happen next Friday 5/8. The potluck will feature a discussion about combating racism, perhaps involving a film. Especially regarding recent police violence demonstrations in our cities, it remains a very pertinent, essential and challenging topic to address. Anna Johnson and David Weisberger will host at 209 South Oak Ave Apt. 110. 6-8 p.m.

Workday May 2 - Construction and building improvement

The farm will have a workday this Saturday 5/2 from 1-5. We're trying to do some construction/building improvement related work. There may be other important work to trump that, but so far that's the plan. If you can come, please heads-up with Nate (515-231-2002) by Saturday morning so he can make plans for which projects to tackle. Especially if you're handy . . . . but we'd love to have you any way you are!

prairie seedlinging

prairie burn

Spring project updates

Next farm potluck

On Friday April 10, 6-8pm we will be discussing citizen Science and on-farm research! As usual it is a potluck.
I think the farm will be presenting on the on-farm research projects we participated in with Practical Farmers of Iowa last year, and what we have planned for the coming year. Also learn about other citizen science projects that we can all participate in, and give input into projects you think we should be doing on the farm.

This one is at Elena's house:
2615 Aspen Rd. Unit 5
Ames, IA 50010

(thanks Mark for posting a blog even after you've moved to DC! - alice)

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