nsleete's blog

2024 Year in Review

Apply by March 15: Summer Internships + Paid Apprenticeship

Want to work with us this summer? We are in the final countdown to our annual internship application deadline, and we are still seeking enthusiastic, curious interns to join our team this summer and taking applications for our farm apprentice position.

About Us

Cat Calendars, Candles, & Holiday Markets

Here are a few fun ways that you can support the farm and our work this winter.

2025 Internship Applications Are Open!


Join our community of ecologically-minded people to help grow organic produce for CSA (community supported agriculture), workshares, and donations! Interns learn skills like: crop care and management, farm planning, volunteer leadership, permaculture design, and prairie/chicken/sheep/beehive care. Agricultural experience/education preferred but not required.

DATE CHANGE - TODAY!!!!You're Invited! Autumn Equinox Celebration, September 20 from 7-9 PM


hello all!!!

You're invited to join us for a FALL EQUINOX CELBRATION on Saturday, September 21 from 7-9 PM on the farm.

What (& what to bring)
Sunset farm walk, bonfire, dessert potluck, and open mic (minus the mic!)

Bring your own beats (poems, songs, etc.), seats (blankets or camp chairs), and treats (a snack/dessert to share). Flashlights are also encouraged.


Aug 21-28 Catholic Worker Art Week!


From Wednesday, August 21 through Tuesday, August 27 we will be hosting some extra-special art events on the farm. Some events and lessons will happen at fixed times, but we will also have some ongoing projects and general farm work during the week.

Teachers: Sarah Fuller, Becky McIntyre, Amie Adams, Alice McGary

Seed Saving Workshop on Saturday, Aug 17!

Saturday, August 17 from 2-4 PM at the Ames Public Library

Join Mustard Seed Community Farm at the Library to learn about flowers, pollinators, plants, seeds, and seed saving. Seed saving provides financial savings, helps preserve genetic diversity, builds community resilience, and so much more.

Learn practical skills to take home into your own garden. You can also donate saved seeds to the Ames Seed Library

Flower Arranging Workshop and Potluck

FLOWER POTLUCK - Saturday, August 10 at 5:30 PM on the farm

Join us for this awesome, free event! All are welcome! We'll start with a dinner potluck (please bring a dish to share if you are able) followed by a flower arranging workshop led by Jen, aka @iowadahlialady! All flowers will be provided; bring your own vase or jar to hold your bouquet.

2024 Summer Events

So Many Exciting Events!

We have a whole assortment of summer events planned, and they will be starting as early as next week. Here is a photo of our current events schedule, which we will keep adding to throughout the summer. Our Farm Calendar

March 23 - Seed Starting Workshop & Seed Library Launch!

Celebrate the opening of the Ames Seed Library on the Library's second floor near the Adult Services desk!
The Ames Seed Library is a community resource that offers free vegetable, flower, fruit, and herb seeds in order to empower people to grow their own food and build relationships through gardening.

Drop in to learn about the Ames Seed Library, browse the selection available, and take home seeds. If you have seeds at home that you're not using, please bring them along to donate to the Ames Seed Library!

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