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july 28th update

Sweet corn is the exciting addition to your box this week. We put up a high-tech solar electric fence this year, and so long it has been keeping the raccoons out and allowing our corn to reach maturity. We had the first of it today (sunday) at Nicholas' going away party and it was delicious. We should have corn for a few weeks. Most people have their preferred method for cooking corn, but in case you don't here's mine: Once the water is boiling, I put in the shucked corn for only 2 or 3 minutes, and then eat with butter, salt, and pepper. Fresh corn is sweet and tender and can even be eaten raw, so don't over-cook it, unless that's how you love it.
The herb this week is savory. Savory was a great favorite of the Romans, who included it in a vinegar-based sauce used with fish and meat dishes. The herb is now widely used in Central Europe where it seasons bean, pea, lentil and sausage dishes. It also works well with tomatoes, eggs, and cheese recipes. Savory has some of the same properties as thyme and rosemary, you could try to substitute it for either one. Nicholas also recommends it for chicken.
We've had a lot of company out at the farm, and expect the fun to continue through the next week. We've had 3 young volunteers visiting us since last Saturday (the 18th) to learn about growing food. They've been a joy to get to know, and a big help.

About 13 members of Alice's family are going to be here starting this Thursday, and staying for part of the week. We hope to get the solar shower done just in time for all these campers. We've also had a number of friends and members come out for our Friday dinners and hope to see all of you one of these days. Also, a special thanks to all our youngest workers!


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