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July Update

this is really quick, because we are all in the middle of moving, and cleaning. The ryan family is coming back tomorrow, and we are very thankful for our time in their wonderful house, right next to our farm. Ellen and Willa are moving into town and Alice and Colette will be roughing it out at the farm. Not quite so rough, we just received a nice, used RV this morning and it's parked out at the farm. All of life's modern conveniences on wheels, though we're not able to hook anything up to it yet. We are working on getting some electricity so that we can run the well, and have a refrigerator for our produce.

It's been very dry here: the rain keeps taking detours around our farm. However, last night we had great storms and the ground no longer has deep crevices and all the plants are happy.
Alice is going away for a week to the national catholic worker gathering, and nicholas is also gone for 2 weeks, so Colette and Ellen would love some help, especially Tuesday for delivery, and maybe Saturday. I'm not exactly sure what their schedules are, but please call Colette while i'm away. Colette 515-708-0450. Again, we have a lot of food out in the field and no one yet has taken us up on the offer to be a volunteer harvester. We need help this week harvesting food and delivering it to First Methodist Church in downtown Ames, or to any other needy folks. Again, please coordinate this with Colette.
Alice McG


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