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No potluck tomorrow

our creek is usually less than knee deep in August, and 15 ft wide

what with the flooding, the potable water difficulties, and the potential for more rain tonight and tomorrow, we will not be having a potluck tomorrow night.

hopefully we will be able to reschedule a discussion about conscientious eating in the future.
- nicholas

For all who are worried about the farm, do not fret! We have been very wet for most of the season, and this week we are even wetter, but we're getting used to it. We are very lucky in the location of our farm. We're very close to the squaw creek, currently the biggest floodwaters in the area, but we are on the high side, up above the bluff in the top picture. Our neighbors' pastures are flooded and the cows have less grass to choose from. There are many nearby farm fields under water, many flooded basements, much destroyed property, and even some injuries and loss of life around the state. Iowa state also looks pretty waterlogged. Today we are safe, the sun is shining, and we'll see how much rain tomorrow brings.
- alice


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