cider pressing, sugar creek, and other events

hi friends,

i haven't typed up all the meeting minutes yet, but i thought i better hurry up and send out important dates so they can get on your calendars. if other folks want to come out on other saturday afternoons, let me know.

You could print this out and put it on your fridge!!!

Sat Sept 2: afternoon work day 1-4pm, at the farm

9/15-9/17 Fri evening -sunday morning, SUGAR CREEK Midwest Catholic Worker Gathering - eastern iowa, near Dewitt or Clinton. This is very fun and good for the whole family.

9/24 Sunday 5:30-8pm - potluck and farm team meeting at the farm

Sat 9/30, 1-4pm CIDER PRESSING - at the farm. bring apples and jugs.

10/22, Sunday 5:30-8pm, Potluck and Farm team meeting, mostly just writing and signing thank you cards - fun, social, meeting

possible FARM TEAM RETREAT - nov 11 or 12..... think about it, check your calendars, and lois and amy L. will be in touch to schedule this.

alice mcg