carpentry progress

We are making amazing progress on this building! and 10 more days to help in our big push!
ATTENTION: we will not be working on Monday Dec 10.

Thank you to everyone that's helped along the way, and to the folks that have been out this week! In just a few days, we've sealed up possible drafts, gotten the wall insulation and the vapor barriers up. We've also been working on preparing the walls and roof for the metal siding, and getting the woodstove installed. We've had really fun crews, delicious food, lots of learning, and a major sense of accomplishment.

Thanks to the Lake City Minnesota Catholic Worker Farm for the amazing help of Paul, Claire, and Chloe these past 2 days. Thanks for Maria's organization, skills, teaching and leadership. It's encouraging to our community to have the support and solidarity of catholic workers from other communities. Thanks to Joe and Omar for stove installation. Thanks to Usman, Indi, Nate Ryan, Lois, Joy, Laneah, for the thorough detailed work of caulking, insulating, and putting up dozens and dozens of nailers. Thanks to our farm team for wonderful food!

If you would like to join us - we will be hanging drywall next. Maria is a great teacher and leader - so if you want to learn how to hang drywall, this is a great opportunity. Here's our schedule this weekend:
Saturday dec 8: 9-4
Sunday dec 9: 1-5.
Next week, we will work most days 9am-4pm, but expect to take some time off depending on people's availability.
next weekend will probably be saturday 9-4, and sunday 1-4.
please RSVP if you are planning to come - it's EXTREMELY helpful for planning the work and the food.
please dress in layers and expect to get dusty- we are working indoors, but in a slightly heated space with very cold outdoor temperatures. (there are chances to take breaks in a warmer space, in case you are feeling nervous)

thanks so much!