Hello farm friends–
Happy New Year to you all! In this new year, we are kicking off a series of fundraisers to help raise money to make upgrades to our water system.
Over the last few months, our farm team has worked hard to evaluate our water needs and current infrastructure. The team has determined that we need to invest in critical improvements to our water system to ensure that the farm has a safe, reliable water source for years to come. Therefore, we plan to connect to rural water and to make upgrades to our well this year.
This decision comes with a substantial cost, and that’s why we are excited to announce our plans for the first of a series of FUNdraisers: the Winter WELL-Being Fundraiser. The goals of this event are to raise money for our water needs and to create opportunities for community connection during the winter months.
Essentially, this fundraiser is a skill share, and we are looking for Mustard Seed community members who can offer their time and talent. Skill-sharers will donate a service for participants to “purchase” by giving a donation to the farm. We already have a few skill-sharers lined up to offer talents from mending clothes to cookie decorating.
Do you have a skill or service to offer? Babysitting? Hosting a dinner party? Massage? Carpentry? If so, please contact Amie at alaleigh@gmail.com by January 23 with the following:
Your name
The name for your service
a 1-3 sentence description of the service
A phone number or email address for the recipient to contact you (Your contact info will not be posted online. It will only be shared with the person who purchases your service.)
The Winter WELL-Being Fundraiser will begin in early February when we will announce the list of services via email and social media.
We are also planning a Mustard Seed Art Show and Performance on February 11 at Harvest Vineyard Church. Contact our talent scout, Alice (mustardseedbee@gmail.com), if you would like to participate.
And finally, stay tuned for more FUNdraising opportunities this winter! We have some fun things in the works and will share them with you very soon, including a FUN-raiser on Saturday, April 1st at Harvest Vineyard.
Let this season of rest be a season of joy, restoration and readying for another great season of growing.
Amie, Greta, and
The Mustard Seed Fundraising Team