Natural Dyeing workshop postponed AND we totally need more volunteers!!

Just a quick schedule update:

2. Natural Dyeing Workshop postponed!!! There's just too much going on at the farm right now and we are so busy with fieldwork that we've decided to postpone this very fun workshop until a later time. We don't actually know when, but it will happen!! repeat: NO DYEING WORKSHOP ON AUGUST 19.

We REALLY NEED MORE HELP ON HARVEST MORNINGS - our interns have left to go back to school, many people's schedules are changing, and we need some new folks to join our wonderful harvest team. more info below and on the workshare WORKSHARE tab in the menu

(August 12th, morning workday 8am-noon)
August 13th Farm team meeting on the farm 1:30
August 26th We Heart Ames Day with Amy Logan on the Farm (in the AM, time TBD) and Seed Saving Class (2 - 3:30) with Alice at Ames Public Library!
August 27th Yoga on the Farm 9 am
September 9th Yoga on the Farm 9 am
September 9th Workday on the farm time tba
September 16 Workday on the farm, time tba
September 23rd possible Craft Retreat and Dying Workshop??
September 17th Farm Team Meeting
October 8th Yoga on the Farm 2 pm
October 21st Work Day - Garlic planting
October 28th Work Day - Garlic planting

As wild as it seems, we are approaching the last eight weeks of the harvest season!! That means there are ~15 more chances to join harvests!

To assist us in organizing our lovely crew, we strongly encourage everyone to fill out the August form, September Attendance Form, and and October Attendance Form. This helps us ensure we have delivery drivers, greeters, washers, packhouse people, and vegetable-loving harvesters.

We need these responses so much that we are going to enter everyone who fills out their form into a drawing for a prize! If you fill out the August form ASAP and the September form by August 28, your name will be put in a raffle. Winners will receive a handmade card and jar of honey. Raffles will happen on the last Tuesday & Friday of every month, with the first raffle happening on August 29th.
Our interns are going back to school and suddenly our daily skilled crew goes from 6 to 1!! Help us get caught up on farm work going into fall. RSVP helpful.