Potluck Reminder

This Friday, November 2nd, we'll talk about the about our farm's past and future: how we did in terms of harvest and distribution this year, how that compared to previous years, and what else has happened this past year,. featuring fun graphs such as those below. We'll also talk about our farm's future: our plans to take a year off from our CSA, and other things we might do, like building an outdoor kitchen, potentially buying our land, building a bread oven, and how we might have the people and resources to do these things. In December, we'll be going in a different direction with a discussion on social justice, inequality, and education, led by Chris Fowler. The goal with these potlucks is to inform the attendees, but also realize that everyone that comes has information that can be valuable for others, and foster a productive discussion about subjects in agriculture, social justice, spirituality, and the environment, or some combination thereof. Before that discussion, we'll have a potluck dinner to share food with eachother, from 6 to 7 Information about the next two potlucks is below:

Mustard Seed Community Farm: progress report and future plans: November 2, dinner at 6, discussion at 7
Location: 704 Duff Ave, Ames, IA 50010

Social Justice and Inequality in Education: December 7, dinner at 6, discussion at 7
Location: 704 Duff Ave, Ames, IA 50010