mcgarya's blog

csa 2014



Some major accomplishments!

Some major accomplishments!

So It’s been a busy month at the farm.
1. We finally got a roof on the outdoor kitchen!
2. The farm purchase finally got completed! After so long, and many obstacles, Mustard Seed Farm now owns the land!
3. Nate and Alice got married!
and went on a honeymoon while our farm team took awesome care of everything – special thanks to Rachel and Craig.

Natural Building Class

hi friends,

there's a lot in this email:
1. natural building class poster attached
2. list of many things we are looking for: natural building supplies, fencing needs, building repair supplies and skills
3. Work Day this saturday, 9-12, lunch, 1-5. please rsvp 515-460-1467. for at least one hour (3-4pm probably), we need a bunch of people here at the same time to help us move our greenhouse, to make space for the new kitchen we're building. please consider coming for this.

blog entry for beth campbell

Come help us plant!

We're having a cool spring this year and have delayed a lot of our planting to wait for the soil to warm up. So far, we've only planted a few trees, but in the next 12 days we're hoping to get a lot planted. If the weather cooperates and we have enough helpers, we'll be planting potatoes, onions, kale, peas, spinach, lettuce, rhubarb, and about 40 trees and shrubs!
We really need some help getting this work done. The next few days will be cold, rainy, and even snowy, and so we will need to wait for things to dry out a bit again, but then we can really get cracking.

buying the farm! 2012 Matching challenge - last week!

Dear friends,
(sorry no cool pictures, the camera is broken)
In this email/blog:

- Potluck schedule for the rest of the winter (including Jan 4)
- Buying the farm info
- plea for help with funding our land purchase.
- a short Christmas wishlist of things you might be getting rid of anyway

winter potlucks

Potluck Update:

(actually written by nicholas, though posted by alice)

Sorry about the double email, I've (Nicholas) been bad at communicating with my farm team members, as it is Christmas time. Anyway, Happy third day of solstice (if you live in the northern hemisphere, that means the days are now very slowly getting longer, and soon we'll plant some onions (but not as many as last year). So here are the next three potlucks (they may change slightly, as I can't quite remember one of the titles):

music festival gratitude, and upcoming events

here's an abbreviated version of the long blog i just accidentally erased:
1. gratitude for all those who helped make a music festival in the rain an amazing success.
2. upcoming pot-lucks.
3. opportunities to work at mustard seed.


i just wrote a super long blog and then it all got erased with one little click!

drift catching experiment.

this is alice, with only a few minutes to write - i'll write more about this soon. we just sent in some air and water samples from our farm to learn more about pesticide drift. this picture is from june - you can see our air sampler and the herbicide sprayer in action. we're doing a pretty cool data collection project with Pesticide Action Network and Practical Farmers of Iowa.

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