Mustard Seed Community Farm August 2012 Newsletter

In this newsletter:
Music Festival
Farm Update

Sunday, August 5th, from 8 to noon, we'll be having a workday on the farm. We'll likely be doing some watering, digging potatoes, and processing some garlic. Come, and bring a friend!

Here's the schedule:
8/3 Gleaning
8/10 The importance of soils to humans
8/17 Tar sands and fracking
8/24 Greenhorns movie
8/31 The ethics of hunting
9/7 To be anounced, and then we'll move to potlucks in town

Here's the time schedule for each potluck, which occur at Mustard Seed Community Farm, 366 W Ave, Ames, IA 50014
5PM: soccer
6PM: potluck
7PM: discussion on the topic mentioned above.

Feel free to come to all or just parts of any of the above. Bring a friend!

Music Festival
There will be a music festival on August 25, in the afternoon. it will be a potluck. Bring several friends!

Farm Update
Despite some recent rain, our farm, like most of the rest of the North America, is in a drought, which means lots of watering and lots of plants that are still alive, but have decided to save energy by not producing fruit, or very much fruit. This includes our green beans, peppers, tomatoes, okra, and many other crops-really, most everything is not doing great. Our garlic is not curing super awesome, and we'll see about our onions and leeks. Also, I think our beehives might be pretty diseased, maybe we'll burn them?


July 19 csa box

Workdays and potlucks

At this point, we've got several potlucks scheduled, see below:
7/20 – Feminism-pictured at right
7/27 – Alternative banking and the national debt
8/3 Gleaning
8/10 The importance of soils to humans
8/17 Tar sands and fracking
8/24 Greenhorns movie
8/31 The ethics of hunting

The potlucks during the summer occur every Friday at the farm (366 W Ave, Ames, IA 50010), with soccer from 5 to 6, dinner from 6 to 7, and discussion on the topic from 7 to 8. As always, the potlucks are open to the public, so feel free to bring friends. Also, feel free to come to one part or all of the evening, so don't feel bad coming for just the soccer, the dinner, or the talk!

Also, as noted in the post below, it's been and continues to be quite dry. Since we spend a good portion of our time watering, we'd like your help with the other farm tasks. We've scheduled 3 workdays for the next few weeks, early in the morning to best cope with the heat:

Saturday, July 21st, from 8 to noon,
Saturday, July 28th, from 8 to noon,
Sunday, August 5th, from 8 to noon.

If you'd like, bring along some food to eat or share and stay for lunch afterward.

Farm update

from, their graphical forecast

drift catching experiment.

this is alice, with only a few minutes to write - i'll write more about this soon. we just sent in some air and water samples from our farm to learn more about pesticide drift. this picture is from june - you can see our air sampler and the herbicide sprayer in action. we're doing a pretty cool data collection project with Pesticide Action Network and Practical Farmers of Iowa.

csa box, potlucks, etc

Farm Update

this is an email that nicholas wrote, with edits and additions from alice.

Farm Update
The farm continues to exist. Though we've gotten a bit of rain, it is still pretty dry. (alice heard a rumor that iowa is officially in a drought - not sure if this is true, but it's really dry. )We've just started harvesting our green beans this morning and our peas have finished. Our garlic is drying and we've started harvesting onions and other things.


Early June Newsletter

In this newsletter:

Farm Update

Potlucks and Soccer

Workdays (Garlic Harvest)

Click read more to see the full newsletter

A recipe from last week's CSA sheet

Hatchlings, workday

Above are some nest that have formed this year. At left is the tail feathers of a barn swallow sticking out of their nest, in which the eggs are yet to hatch, at center is the nest of some robins that tried to nest in our tool lean-too, but we were able to move their nest, along with the hoe it was on into a nearby mulberry tree, and 2 of 3 eggs have hatched, and at right is the nest of a goose, in the hollow of an oak branch that was downed a few years ago. The goose picture is the oldest, the nest has now been abandoned, and we think a hawk or fox killed either the parents or just the babies.
After that is some of workcrew from our workday on saturday.

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