Spring Schedule

Dear friends,

(included in this entry is a very helpful schedule of events!)

We are in that transition time between winter and spring, when the days fluctuate between lovely and icy and the birds migrate north one day and then turn around the next day. As spring gathers momentum, so do the activities on the farm.

Besides our very exciting SPRING FUN-RAISER DANCE AND POTLUCK and craft sale coming up on April 8th,

we have come up with a list of volunteer opportunities, fun events, and other notable dates to share with you. We are still planning more events, and some of the details below could change (usually due to severe weather), but i still think this list is worth adding to your calendar, or if you are like me, worth printing out and putting on your refrigerator.

If you can't make it during one of these events, but would like to help out this spring, we'd love to schedule something around your availability. In general, the best times to help are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. (please contact me if you are interested in seed starting, pruning, prairie burns, planting, carpentry, helping with the newspaper, or planning fun events)

March 31, holy Saturday, work day 1-4:30 potato planting if ground is warm enough

April 7: Planting 1-5pm
Potatoes, seeds, onions

April 21: earthday planting 9am-4pm
Planting broccoli, cabbage, beets, etc

May 12: PLanting 9am-4pm.
Planting warm crops – beans, peppers…

May 19: Planting 2-5pm – tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and more

June 9: Planting 1:30-5. Planting cucumbers, melongs, sweet potatoes

Sat July 7: Garlic Harvest 8am-4pm


FUN-RAISER 5-8pm, collegiate united methodist church annex 130 s. Sheldon, ames

June 21, POTLUCK AND ROUNDTABLE - 6-8pm, 307 8th st. Ames, topic: nonviolent communication

June 30th, Party Celebrating 10 yrs of Mustard Seed Community Farm
5-8pm - POTLUCK AND SQUARE DANCE with live band and caller

Sept 29: Cider Pressing event 1-4pm

May 8 and 11- First work share day. Harvest training

May 22 and 25: first Csa delivery

July 27-29 National Catholic Worker Gathering Rochester, ny

March 24th, 1-4:00. Pruning Workshop at the Berry Patch Farm. Rain or shine,

> Winona LaDuke - Food Security & Environmental Justice -
> March 28 at iowa state university
> https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2018/03/14/winona-laduke

thanks so much!
alice mcgary