Hello Universe! We have a Potluck and Discussion this week!

Hello everyone!

Thank you to all who came out this past Saturday to help with the garlic harvest! With all of your help and energy, we finished the whole job in one Saturday! Great work!

This is a blog to inform you about our upcoming Potluck and Discussion, this Thursday evening, July 12th, 6pm to 8pm, at 307 8th Street, right in downtown Ames. Our topic will be "Food and Class", led by two of your favorite interns, Rachel Eber and Alice Foster! I hope to see you there!

This is also a blog to introduce You to Me, Allyson, another intern (if you haven't met me yet)!

Here's a picture of me and my answers to the fun questions that I made the other interns answer:

1. What vegetable are you and why? Spinach, because I thrive in cold weather and I clean up nice
2. Favorite color? Brown
3. What brings you joy? Rainbows, the simplicity and complexity of the nonhuman world, laughter, and songs
4. What breaks your heart? Cruelty to vulnerable life
5. Why are you interested in the world of small farming/growing food? I believe in a world where all people have the capacity and agency to choose Love over hate, and I believe choosing Love includes Love and Respect for the nonhuman parts of the Universe. Farming and land restoration are a call to this Love work for me.
6. What's something you like to do in your spare time? READ.
7. What are you excited about growing in the ground this year? Arugula!

Also, here's a picture of somethings I love (dandelion roots!):
Process for roasted dandelion roots for tea:
Wash and scrub your roots SUPER well. Chop fairly small, about 1/4 inch dice. Spread out on a sheet pan dry, no oil. Roast in your oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 to 8 hours, stirring around occasionally, until the roots are fragrant. Let them cool, then put them in a jar to keep them dry. Steep a tablespoon in 8 ounces of hot water, with or without other tea ingredients, to help out the health of your digestive system, or in more serious cases, to relieve constipation. Same effects as coffee without the caffeine!

Thanks for reading, Everyone!

See you Thursday!

blog by: Allyson Polman