Xueyan Mu!

Hello everyone!

So, Xueyan, our last summer intern, left us just a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't able to post Xueyan's introduction to the farm community on this blog, so hopefully you got to know them while they were here! This is a little taste of Xueyan to say goodbye for now, with some pictures and their answers to my fun questions!

1. What vegetable are you and why? Peas, because I'm small, spherical, and fun.
2. Favorite color? Sky blue.
3. What brings you joy? Playing guitar/space travel.
4. What breaks your heart? Climate change.
5. Why are you interested in the world of small farming/growing food? I like working outside and seeing how things become the food we eat.
6. What's something you like to do in your spare time? Drawing.
7. What are you excited about growing in the ground this year? Yellow tomatoes.

Peace to you all,

P.S. We are having a potluck and discussion on the ancient philosophy of yoga this Saturday, September 8th, out at the farm from 4:30pm to 6:30! Hope to see you there!