garlic planting and fall lists

Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunny, with very little wind, and I'm trying to get as much done as possible before things get really cold. Last weekend we got 98% of the garlic planted before Sunday nightfall and rain. Thanks everyone!!!!

There's still so much to do on the farm!!!
If any of you are still interested in helping out on days when the weather is nice,
Nate K and I have been working on a big fall list of tasks that need to happen before winter seriously arrives. Some things would be great with a big crew, but others would be so much easier with just 1 helper. You can text with Alice to arrange a time, or come to one of these times (rsvp still really helpful).
3 things scheduled: Saturday Oct 26 work day, 1-4pm
Sunday Oct 27, 2-4pm, ISU freedom by design architecture group coming. Others welcome to join or help me lead this group.
Saturday November 2, 9-noon, or 1-4pm - Candlemaking. RSVP is necessary - I can only have a few people helping at a time.

There's a lot to it, but here is a basic summary:

Most time/temperature sensitive:
- Mulching garlic
- protecting trees from deer and rabbits (bucks are already rubbing antlers and damaging some trees)
- painting, varnishing, drywall finishing in new building

- mulch strawberries and other perennials
- winter organization
- prepare winter space for 2 sheep
- event organizing
- event outreach
- internship outreach
- candlemaking and sales
- clean garlic, process dry beans, hazelnuts
- carpentry
- firewood

thanks all!
alice mcgary