challah making skill share - Friday nov 13

Do you like braiding? How about bread? Of course the answer is Yes, Yes!! So, come join Benjamin and the Mustard Seed Community this Friday @ 3pm (11/13), for the first virtual skillshare of the season, where you'll learn how to bake challah and hear some fun facts about the history and significance of this traditional Jewish Sabbath bread.

The total time will be approximately three hours and fifteen minutes. (Don't worry, though—most of this is passive down time while the dough rises; you'll be free to sign off and do whatever you need to in-between spurts of activity while we wait for the yeasts to do their merry thing.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 5350 8947
Passcode: 750800

Bake Schedule:
3PM- welcome & setup
3:05- proof yeast
3:15- mix dough
3:30- 1st rise
4:30- divide, shape, 1st egg wash
4:45- 2nd rise, preheat oven
5:40- 2nd wash, sprinkle, bake
6:15PM- all done!

Ingredient List:
4 c. (480g) all purpose flour
1 c. (120g) bread flour
2 1/4 t (1 packet) active dry yeast
1 1/2 t + 1/3 c (~72g) granulated sugar
1 scant T (12g) kosher salt
1/3 c (~72g) neutral oil
1/2 c (110g) + 1/2 c lukewarm water
4 eggs