WORKSHARES - from an email to all harvesters

hello everyone!

email summary:
1. You are amazing and important.
2. We totally need more help.

We just wanted to reach out again, at this point halfway through our season, to let you know that YOU ARE IMPORTANT!  Our WORKSHARE teams are amazing powerhouses of community, skill, and accomplishment!  Yes, we are so very grateful for all of you and all your help so far this season.  Your help on our harvest mornings is what keeps our farm going - you are the crew that harvests all the food that we are able to share with so many people, and the team that helps us take care of the plants so that they can keep producing, and the leaders that help us welcome and train new people.

We need more help!If you are an intermittent worker, please consider coming more often, and everyone, please consider inviting a friend or spreading the word about this community volunteer opportunity.This past week we were quite shorthanded on both Tuesday and Friday, and we expect a large number of people to be unavailable in the near future.  These are the normal things that happen every year - people go on summer vacations, and then in August, many people's schedules change as the school year gets going.  This is also the time that many of our interns start leaving to get ready for school.

At the same time, there are some people who are newly freed up to help on harvest mornings at this time - students coming back to town, or people whose school schedules have new openings.  Please help us reach out to some of these new people.  

This flux time is a really important time to add new people and also, we really need some of our experienced harvesters to help with orientation for those new people.

To reiterate:  YOU ARE REALLY IMPORTANT!  Whether you are new, intermittent, or regular, you do really important work.  Your skills, ideas, and self are vital.  You are the heart of this farm.  You are the community of this community farm. 
incredibly grateful!
alice mcgary