do you want to be a CROP LEADER?!?!

this year we are trying a new experiment -
the VEGETABLE TEAM - There's still time to sign up for a CROP!!

If you have been feeling intimidated by this idea, let me reassure you. In order to be in charge of one crop, you DO NOT have to do all the work of caring for this crop. You just get to be the leader and we will help you with the work. You DO NOT need to be an expert or even experienced! We will help you learn. What you do need to do is participate in planting, and observe your crop (ideally this could happen weekly during your workshare shift or at another time) to notice if it needs anything, like weeding, watering, fertilizer, pest control. We will also help you learn how to know what your crop needs. Ideally, you would also be here to help harvest your crop during your workshare shift, and would help us with cleanup when your crop is done. some people have signed up with a buddy because they won't be here for all the stages of their crop's life.
Remember, this year, we will only be planting the crops that people sign up for. If you have any questions about any of this, please reach out to Alice or Benjamin!!
alice can be texted at 978-471-8414, or emailed at

note: Nate in this picture is taking data for a Practical Farmers broccoli experiment. You don't have to be this thorough or scientific to be a crop leader.

Crops that don't have leaders yet:
asian greens of any kind
many herbs