EQUITY, Farming, Food systems presentation at PFI tomorrow

hi all,

I have the privilege (and the challenging responsibility) to present with Molly Schintler from Echolective Farm tomorrow at the Practical Farmers of Iowa conference. Molly's great, and seems to enjoy public speaking MUCH more than I do, which is also lovely. Here are some great slides that she has (the first is from Real Food Challenge and she doesn't remember where the other came from), and I'm also including lots of links to some really great resources. If you are at the talk - all the links that we share in the talk are here for your easy access.

Steps for becoming EBT/SNAP approved
1. Become certified by the USDA to accept EBT https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/apply-to-accept

2. Fill out the Store Application -- not the Farmers’ Market application -- because you are a Direct Marketing Farmer

3. If you need assistance with the USDA application process, call the USDA Help Desk at 1-877-823-4369

4. The USDA requires a copy of your Driver’s License or Passport and your Social Security Card. As a Direct Marketing Farmer you DO NOT have to upload a business license.

5. Once you are approved to accept SNAP by USDA, you will receive your FNS number . Send your FNS number to Tracy Penick (tpenick@dhs.state.ia.us)

Video molly did of EBT/Snap for farmers

Iowa specific resources
The Wireless EBT Project
Contact Tracy Penick (tpenick@dhs.state.ia.us)

Double Up Food Bucks
Contact Aryn McLaren (aryn@iowahealthieststate.com)

Local food purchasing assistance program:

Sliding scale resources:

Alice McGary

Contact info for Molly Schintler at Echollective Farm