mcgarya's blog

sept 1 - CSA share notes

here's a tiny watermelon that tasted just like the real thing

Hello Eaters!

in which we read a letter from Nicholas in Mexico and a response from alice

(this picture is from earlier this summer, but gives us a chance to see Nicholas, and a few others mentioned later)
From: nicholas leete
Subject: drought
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:32 PM

Alice's family visits - really from August 3

Hopefully some of my wonderful family will add something to this blog - but I will quickly post a few pictures that I have. Thanks everyone for being such a team with all the challenges of group camping.
i was so busy that I only got my camera out right before everyone left, so there are many missing from these photos.

july 28th update

weddings, farewells, and a retreat

Colette and Darrin are getting married this weekend, so we will have some extra guests on the farm, and a slightly different schedule. There won’t be a community dinner this Friday, the 17th, but we will resume the next week. Everyone is invited to our Friday dinners, for a meal at 6 and prayer and/or discussion at 7pm. Please feel very welcome to come to both or only one part, and come even if you don’t have food to bring (did I mention we have a lot of vegetables?)

garlic harvest

Last week we harvested our garlic. Since they are planted in the fall, for a July harvest, this was our first garlic crop. It was a pleasant surprise, because some of the plants looked a little puny, but the bulbs look awesome - fat and heavy! Here's a picture of them hanging up to dry.

Fireflies and summer storms

Now it is definitely summer. Spring lasted a long time and we had an endless supply of spinach and lettuce, but now we have summer clouds, summer storms, and fireflies. Martin was out the other night taking pictures of the fireflies (there should be a few more at the end of his photo album) before taking off on another cross country trip. We'll be glad to see him when he gets back. (Some of his other pictures show off the bugs better, but this one shows off the farm.)

A June Summary

Here's what Nicholas sent out to the list, and i pretty much copied it word for word.

CSA delivery started

We have started delivering! On Friday we brought boxes to our first 4 members and also the food pantry in Story City, and tomorrow we will be harvesting in the rain to bring food for the rest of our CSA.

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